I’ll be home for Christmas!

~6,000 miles and 7 days

It’s 4:30 am on a Friday morning, snow is falling, and a sweet friend is waiting to take us to the airport. After six months, we are about to breathe that gloriously warm and humid Texas air.

After boarding, I fall asleep and wake up nearly 2 hours later expecting to be somewhere over Utah. Instead, I find us still on the Seattle tarmac waiting on the THIRD de-icing machine to show up and prepare the plane so we can leave. After missing our connecting flight in DFW, we get assigned to a new flight, and now have a two hour layover. The layover gives us the opportunity to meet up with Jordan as her flight comes in just two gates away from us!

When we finally get to College Station, the first step off the plane brings with it a muggy breath of air and I know I’m home!

We spent a few days in College Station celebrating the coming of our Savior with John’s side of the family. We broke bread, opened gifts, played games, skyped with family afar, and took a family picture. It was a wonderful celebration!



Taylor Family 13

Next up, we headed to East Texas and started our time with my family with a celebration of 50 years of marriage for my grandparents!


I adore these two!


Over the next few days we ate more food, opened more gifts, and played more games (I’m sensing a pattern here).

I just love this one of Papa acting like a complete kid over his gift!


Finally, we loaded up the car again and headed to Oklahoma to round out our trip with a visit to John’s dad’s. More food, gifts, and games!

Our last stop was a visit to my favorite grocery store! I couldn’t help but stop in and tell it how much I’ve missed my food having a branded Texas logo on it!

Our trip was one of the most love and fun filled Christmas’ I’ve ever experienced. It brought so much joy to finally see our family again and laugh together! Thank you Jesus for bringing us salvation, your love, and a wonderful family!